Saturday, July 23, 2005

Did you miss me?

Let me explain ...

After receiving what one could consider a thinly veiled threat, a friendly warning, or an interesting bit of information, with regard to writers not being allowed to "dis" anything Arabic, I got a severe case of the heebie jeebies and, in the interests of me not spending time doing "jail time", have now sanitized my previous entries as much as I could. (I hope you still find them interesting, though!)
Now, I really did not think that my little blog with its fan club of about 3 people could possibly lead to the collapse of the economy, or start a war between currently friendly nations, but then ..... who knows???!!!
I will try really really really hard to be upbeat and positive and glowing and non-judgemental, but please "Dubai Daze" aka Anonymous, remember : I come from a country which tried to deny any problems by refusing to acknowledge them - it didn't work for us - it won't work for you. So before you get your dishcloth in a knot - read the little pink block on the top right side of the page - It says something about MY experiences and not wanting to be disrespectful... etc etc.
But, sometimes, you've just gotta call a spade a fucking spade!!


Anonymous said...

Lulu I don't think you need to worry about editing; your site is ery funny and you have in no way been disrespectful to your host country!
All you are doing is writing about some of the quirky things that happen here. I think it makes the country more charming by it's quirkiness! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

SAfrican said...

Ja Suster - die ou spul sluk swaar aan 'n bietjie kritiek - maar net soos in SA - jy kan s^e wat jy wil maar as dit die goewerment kritiseer is jy in die dwang.

Maar vir volk en vaderland sal ons voort veg (oeps ek't vergeet ons het nie meer 'n vaderland nie en die volk is versprei oor die Diaspora)

Kan natuurlik altyd onder 'n nom de plume deur 'n anonyoums remailer blog - maar dit van die hele fun uit die storie.

Hoop jy gaan daai lekker sin vir humor in jou blogs hou - ek geniet dit rerig!

just a mom said...

Damn...wish I could read s.african....

I am just glad to see you up and running again! I missed you!

Emirati said...

I dont mind you guys talking, but mr anonymous, I would advise you to roll up article 19 and perform a 'colonic' on your person :D UN, International Court and Liberal Trash groups dont govern my country.

Anonymous said...

well lulu ,i can only tell you what tony blair just saud on tv foreigners including immigrants in britain " you `ll play our rules and do it our way" ....keep this in mind as long as you are a guest here .

Anonymous said...

I think you are being nice more than anything else............????? Wish there were more like you to go around. Ur doin the right thing, Dont change a thing abt anything..........Ur cool

Anonymous said...

Hi Lulu. I'm a South African in the Gulf too.Happened across your site.Don't know what happened that you're 'sanitizing' your blog a bit.but have to say...try to find the good in the local culture ur dealing The water pipe to clean yourself with. Try it! You may be pleasantly surprised!It works on the premise of cleanliness being next to Godliness. You'll feel clean down there after being to the loo! Also i get sick when i read of fellow white South Africans who still want to maintain the volkland! Sies!