Friday, June 03, 2005

Images of Abu Dhabi City

Early evening in the city

Abu Dhabi at night

Plenty of greenery - which is why AD is known as the Green Capital

The newly constructed "Corniche" - a seaside recreation area where people can stroll, picnic or sit alongside the beautifully planted gardens, wonderful covered picnic areas, sparkling fountains and intricate paving.

The buildings that you see from the main roads are a marvel of design - each one completely different - many sparkle with mirrored glass and gold painted exteriors. But, as DH once remarked, it is just like a Hollywood movie set - beautiful facades on the outside, whilst behind are wooden shacks and broken-down, shabby buildings, that should have been condemned for human habitation. So many are crammed together that there is barely enough space for people or sunlight to get in-between. But, to their credit, the government seems to be slowly demolishing these eyesores and replacing them with more habitable structures.

Wait a minute ... This doesn't look like some backward desert oasis, filled with marauding savages and fleabitten camels .... it looks quite civilized .... maybe we could even live here!!!

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